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CHARAKAAYATAN: 6 day Residential Programme for Under-graduates, Postgraduate Scholars and teachers of Ayurveda

Rashtriya Ayurveda Vidyapeeth, New Delhi announces  “CHARAKAAYATAN”

6 day Residential Programme for Under-graduates, Postgraduate Scholars and teachers of Ayurveda from 22nd to 27th July 2024 at Saranya Ayurveda Hospital, Navakkarai, Coimbatore.


Charak Samhita being an important text book of Brihat-trayi and the fundamental textbook of Kayachikitsa, the 6 days Charakayatan program has been designed to provide insight of the principles laid down in Charak Samhita, its clinical understanding and its relevance in clinical practice.


Samhitas are the base of Ayurveda.  They  are the most  Authentic and useful  books of Ayurveda.  However, it  has been  observed that  their   clinical relevance is not understood and  taught  the  way  it  should  have  been. Therefore, it is important to understand Samhita on bedside and learn to design the treatment asper the classical texts. As Charak Samhita is the authoritative text of Kayachikitsa, the Charakaayatan program has been designed to provide authentic clinical understanding of Charak Samhita and its relevance in clinical practice.

Registration Link : https://forms.gle/EMd5W8FVtBa6qvpe7 

Click here for more details: https://www.ravdelhi.nic.in/resources/uploads/uploadManualfile/171774070464.pdf